
As each book and author is unique, there is no standard price that covers everything. The following are just  “guidelines” for pricing so that you can get an idea of what it might cost you to self-publish your book. Once we've talked and discussed all that is involved in your particular book, I'll come up with a quote based on the following guidelines.


This book's subject crossed genres - the art and science of healing with Homeopathy as related to the methods of Shamanism. The author wanted a classical look with something artistic to make it unique and inviting to the lay person. I designed the Chapter title pages with a background picture from the cover of the book.

Starting at $350

I charge a separate design fee based on the requirements of each unique book project.

Self Publishing &

Book Design

Covers, Interior Design, Layout, Illustrations

A few sample interiors

You will need to register your book with a Print-on-Demand company such as KDP Amazon or Ingram Spark. There is no cost to upload your manuscript, but you will need to purchase an ISBN. KDP Amazon will offer you a free ISBN, however, I strongly advise you to purchase your own ISBN so that you have complete control over your book's listing and distribution. 

Price per page             General conditions of composition

$4.00                                   Straight text

$5.00                                   Above + extracts, footnotes

$6.00                                   Above + Photos/images, various heads, lists
$7.00                                   Above + tables, charts, extensive backmatter

$8.00 +                               Above + multiple layouts within design, mass photos/images

A non-profit organization had a vision of a book which would present in simple, clear fashion the teachings of  Bavado Corazon, Native American wisdom teacher. We started with a collection of photos and the transcribed oral content culled from hundreds of hours of lectures and teaching workshops given by Bavado. The group needed someone to organize the material, help edit for ease of comprehension in written form,  and format the final product in six languages. They also wanted several illustrations to clarify the teachings. My diverse skills matched their needs and I was delighted to be chosen as the designer and illustrator of this book. I enjoyed a very fruitful collaboration with the editor in bringing Bavado's teachings to a larger audience.

"I gave the Amazon proof of my first book of poetry to Catherine to review before sending it off for publication.  We met the following week to discuss her recommendations to bring my book to a higher standard of readiness.  At first, I felt defensive about making changes.  I quickly got past the resistance and chose to learn from her expertise.  Implementing the changes that she suggested, I was able to produce a finer, higher quality first book.  Catherine is sensitive to an author's vulnerability.  She is an experienced, knowledgeable and generous resource for anyone planning to publish a book." 

------------Christine O'Brien, Author, "...because sometimes a woman needs a dragon"

Christine knew how she wanted her book cover to look and had used KDP Amazon's cover template to design it.  The images and text were slightly blurry. I used her images and design to redo the cover with Photoshop to ensure  the text and images were clear and crisp and of high quality.

Workflow of a typical book project:

Initiating Project

1.  We’ll start out by getting to know each other. We'll discuss every detail of the book so that I can provide an accurate quote and a realistic production schedule.


I will refer you to a copy editor or you can use your own copy editor. (If your book has been copy edited, we will proceed directly to the Design and Layout.)

Perform standard copy edit for grammar, spelling, punctuation, consistency of style and usage, and clarity of expression

Create a style list for the project and check for consistency

Note author queries

Identify typographical and formatting corrections

Update Word files

Send edited manuscript proofs with changes indicated to author for approval, response to queries, and corrections

Perform cleanup after receiving author responses

Design, Layout, Proofreading and Indexing

 1.  You’ll send me a copy of the book and any images/files needed for the initial design. I will create a title page, chapter opening, and enough text pages to show all major elements of the book.

2.  Once the design is approved, I’ll proceed with the build of the book. I’ll then send you a first-pass PDF for proofing.

3.  You will register your book with your chosen Print-on-Demand company and fill out all the necessary information. If you do not have one already, you will need to choose a Press name. You will purchase an ISBN number and Barcode (or the P.O.D. company will provide it). You will send for a Library of Congress number.

4.  You'll proof all typography and formatting against the manuscript copy.  You’ll send me back any changes/corrections you’d like to make. You can send me a marked-up proof, a marked-up PDF, or an itemized list of corrections. If your budget permits, it is highly recommended that you hire an independent proofreader. You can never proofread too much!

5.  I’ll make the changes and send you a second-pass PDF for review. If the book contains an index, you will  approve for release to the indexer.

6.  I will format the index and send proof to you (or an independent proof- reader.)

7. After I receive your corrected proof I will enter and check all final corrections and send to you for final proof.

8.  Once approved, I’ll upload all files to your printer’s site (or the printer can retrieve them from my site).

9. You will review the printers proof. When you receive the printer’s proof, I’ll be on hand to make any changes you need and I’ll send the printer necessary replacement pages.

10.  In completion, I will send you all the pertinent files of your book, such as the Cover and Interior In Design Files, Photoshop files, JPEGs, Illustrator files,  images, fonts, etc. You will have the complete book for any future revisions - either done by me or by someone else, if desired.


This book project about a woman Christian missionary to China from 1884 -1950 involved drawing a map, searching the Internet for archived photos, scanning and preparing old family photos for print.

Purchase your ISBN at (Bowker Publishing Services)

1 ISBN - $125

10 ISBN's - $295

Healing Mother Earth's Sacred Sites with the Medicine Wheel

Design Fee

Catherine assisted me in publishing my book, “Mountain Refuge: The Journey Home.” She guided me through the steps of the many procedures necessary to self publish a book and beautifully designed the interior of the book and the cover. 

Catherine is a caring professional who writers can depend on as they transition from the creative process to the overwhelming task of self-publishing. 

                                -Maria Lodes

Other Costs

Never before has it been so easy and economical to self-publish. Print-on-Demand companies such as, KDP Amazon, Ingram Sparks, Bookmobile, and Blurb, have opened up the publishing world to authors. For the first time author, however, it can be daunting to know how to proceed amidst all the choices and technicalities of self-publishing. I can guide you through the process of self-publishing your book.

I echo the words of my mentor, the very generous-hearted, veteran book designer, John Reinhardt:  (

"As a self-publishing author, you need someone who can not only create a beautiful and properly designed book (interior and cover) for you, but someone who will take care of all the details in helping you throughout the entire self-publishing process. I’ll take care of you, and your book!"

I also offer advice and help for those who feel they are ready to publish:

*Consultation to review your proof before publishing

*Book cover and back cover design and layout

*Coaching on using KDP Amazon or Ingram Spark